
Quantum Factory Method: A Software Engineering Approach to Deal with Incompatibilities in Quantum Libraries



The current context of Quantum Computing and its available technologies present an extensive variety of tools and lack of methodologies, leading to incompatibilities across platforms, which end up as inconsistencies in the developed solutions. We propose a design called Quantum Factory Method, based on software engineering and design patterns, to solve these issues by integrating different quantum platforms in the same development. We provide example implementations whose results prove the suitability of the design in different cases, and conclude on how this approach can be expanded for future work.

Type :
conference proceedings
Authors :
Magaz-Romero, S., Mosqueira-Rey, E., Alvarez-Estevez, D., Moret-Bonillo, V.
Location :
Proceedings of the ICCS - International Conference on Computational Science
Date :
Publication link :
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