The NEASQC project is organising a series of webinars that are not a simple overview of the NISQ Quantum Computing use cases investigated by our project, but a platform to learn from and exchange with the best experts in the fields covered by NEASQC. Our Work Package 6 prepared a programme of four weekly webinars in February 2022, dedicated to symbolic AI and graph algorithmics.
Dr Venkatesh Kannan, Leader of the Work Package 6 (Symbolic AI and graph algorithmics) in the NEASQC project, and Centre Technical Manager, Platforms & Technologies Programme Manager at the Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC)
Dr Ross Duncan, Head of Quantum Software at Cambridge Quantum Computing
Quantum software in 2022 : patterns and problems
Abstract: Quantum computers are based the laws of quantum mechanics rather than Boolean logic; this implies very different algorithmic capabilities and, perhaps more surprisingly, very different issues across the board from software architecture to formal methods. In this talk I’ll give a broad overview of the current state of the art as we begin 2022 and focus on some issues of current interest.
Bio: Ross Duncan is the head of Quantum Software at Cambridge Quantum Computing Ltd and holds honorary positions at the University of Strathclyde and University College London. He obtained his Doctorate from Oxford University in 2006 for his thesis “Types for Quantum Computation”. Since then he has held positions as an EPSRC Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Oxford, Chargé de Recherche at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, and Lecturer of Computer Science at the University of Strathclyde. His research focusses on the foundations of quantum computing and in particular on the use of category theory and diagrammatic calculi to better understand the structure of quantum states and programs; he is the co-inventor (with Bob Coecke) of the ZX-calculus and has applied this to reason about quantum circuits, measurement-based quantum computation, and quantum error correcting codes. Since joining CQC in 2018 he has focussed on the development of Tket, a platform independent optimising compiler and software development framework for near-term quantum computers.