NEASQC webinars
Harnessing Quantum Computing for real-world use cases:
an overview of current advances

Does the hype around Quantum and specifically Quantum Computing leave you pondering what’s really behind it?

Could your applications benefit from Quantum Computing – already in the NISQ era?

Attend our webinars to learn more about the actual state of research, straight from recognized experts in their respective fields. 

The NEASQC project is investigating a wide selection of NISQ-compatible real-world use-cases, related to chemistry, machine learning and optimisation, and symbolic AI and graph algorithmics. Our academic and industrial partners team together to develop new quantum software techniques to solve those use-cases with a practical quantum advantage. To select the best approaches, we engage regularly with other Quantum Computing enthusiasts. And our ultimate ambition is to encourage and provide toolsets for other European user communities to investigate NISQ quantum computing for their own use cases.

This motivated us to set up a series of webinars that are not a simple overview of the NEASQC use cases, but a platform to learn from and exchange with the best experts in the fields covered by our project.

Check our programme and register for the sessions that are of interest to you! Our webinars are free, except for the workshop co-located with EQTC. All webinars will be recorded and the recordings will be freely available after the events.

Session 1 – 05-24/11/2021
Machine learning and optimization methods

Our Work Package 5 prepared a programme of four weekly webinars between 5 and 24 November. Each week, a distinguished guest speaker will share their insights on the day’s topic, and NEASQC experts will then explain how NEASQC is addressing the issue through a specific use case. The webinars will cover:

  • Quantum Machine Learning
  • Quantum optimization algorithms for energy management
  • Quantum Finance
  • Quantum optimization algorithms for mesh segmentation

Register for the topics you are interested in! It’s free of charge and each webinar will include ample time for exchange with the speakers.


5 November 17:30-19:00 CET: Quantum Machine Learning

17:30-18:10 Guest speaker: Dr Maria Schuld (Xanadu) “Perspectives of quantum machine learning for real-world applications”
18:10-18:15 Technical questions
18:15 – 18:35 Reinforcement learning for optimal stock management (by Reda Alami, TotalEnergies)
18:35 – 19: 00 Open discussion and expert Q&A session

Detailed agenda

12 November 17:30-19:00 CET: Quantum optimization algorithms for energy management

17:30-18:10 Guest speaker: Dr Alejandro Perdomo-Ortiz (Zapata Computing) “Enhancing Machine Learning and Combinatorial Optimization with Quantum Generative Models”
18:10-18:15  Technical questions
18:15 – 18:35  Computational hurdle in energy management optimization problems (by Dr Wim Van Ackooij, EDF)
18:35 – 19: 00 Open discussion and expert Q&A session

Detailed agenda

19 November 17:30-19:00 CET: Quantum Finance

17:30-18:10 Guest speaker: Dr Stefan Woerner (IBM Research) “Towards Quantum Advantage in the Financial Service Sector”
18:10-18:15  Technical questions
18:15 – 18:35 Quantum in Finance: Defining the Bottlenecks and Opportunities (by Steve Suarez, HSBC)
18:35 – 19: 00 Open discussion and expert Q&A session  

Detailed agenda

24 November 17:30-19:00 CET: Quantum optimization algorithms for mesh segmentation

17:30-18:10 Guest speaker: Dr Martin Leib (IQM)”Introduction to the Quantum Approximate Optimisation Algorithm”
18:10-18:15  Technical questions
18:15 – 18:35 Mesh Generation From Practice to Theory (Dr Jeanne Pellerin, TotalEnergies)
18:35 – 19: 00 Open discussion and expert Q&A session

Detailed agenda

Session 2 – 01/12/2021
Quantum chemistry use cases and methods for NISQ application

If you have an interest in Chemistry use cases, join the online workshop organised by our Work Package 4 as part of the EQTC conference organised by the European Quantum Flagship initiative.

The goal of the NEASQC project is to bridge the gap between the recent proof-of-concept quantum chemical computations on NISQ processors and actual, industrial-scale quantum chemistry problems. The use cases and methods explored in the project cover a broad range with methods beyond Born-Oppenheimer for drug discovery, variational quantum algorithms and measurement optimization, fragmentation methods and CO2 capture, which will be laid out first by talks from NEASQC partners. Afterwards, invited speakers from academia will expand on methods beyond Born-Oppenheimer, fragmentation, and quantum simulation on quantum computers. At the end, we will conclude with a panel discussion.

The workshop will be held from 14:00 to 17:30 CET on 01/12/2021.

Invited speakers:

  • Federica Agostini (Institut de Chimie Physique, Université Paris-Saclay)
  • Ibon Alkorta (Instituto de Química Médica, CSIC)
  • Alán Aspuru-Guzik (Department of Chemistry and Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto)

NEASQC speakers:

  • Jan Reiner (HQS Quantum Simulations)
  • Anders Broo (AstraZeneca)
  • Goar Sánchez (Irish Centre for High-End Computing – ICHEC)
  • Marko Rančić (Total)

Agenda on EQTC website>>

Session 3 – February 2022
Symbolic AI and Graph Algorithmics

Our Work Package 6 is preparing a programme of four short webinars over four weeks between 2nd and 21st February 2022. They will cover:

  • ZX-calculus and t|ket>
  • Quantum Natural Language Processing (QNLP)
  • Quantum Rule-Based Systems (QRBS)
  • Quantum Probabilistic Safety Assessment (QPSA)

Attendance is free of charge.


2nd February 2022 – 10:30-11:30 CET: ZX-calculus and t|ket>

Guest speaker: Ross Duncan​ (Cambridge Quantum Computing)

Detailed agenda>

8 February 2022 – 12:00-13:15 CET: Quantum Natural Language Processing (QNLP)

Guest speaker: Bob Coecke (Cambridge Quantum Computing)​
NEASQC speaker: Antonio Villalpando (ICHEC)

Detailed agenda, abstracts and bios>

14 February 2022 – 15:00-16:15 CET: Quantum Rule-Based Systems (QRBS)

Guest speaker: Andreas Wichert (University of Lisbon)​
NEASQC speaker: Vicente Moret  (University of A Coruna)

Detailed agenda, abstracts and bios>

21 February 2022 – 11:00-12:15 CET: Quantum Probabilistic Safety Assessment (QPSA)

Guest speaker: Arnd Hartmanns (University of Twente)​
NEASQC speaker: Sebastiaan Brand (Leiden University)

Detailed agenda, abstracts and bios>

Associated end-users

NEASQC proposes a status of “Associated end-user” to organisations interested in quantum computing and with uses cases of interest. Associated end-users will benefit from a priviledged access to NEASQC information and return of experience, with special sessions organised for them during our project meetings to exchange with project members. Associated users will have priority access to all NEASQC workshops.

The objective of our Associated end-user scheme is to help organisations beyond the NEASQC consortium to kickstart their own quantum computing experiments. More information to be provided later.

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