
Application of quantum-inspired generative models to small molecular datasets



Quantum and quantum-inspired machine learning has emerged as a promising and challenging research field due to the increased popularity of quantum computing, especially with near-term devices. Theoretical contributions point toward generative modeling as a promising direction to realize the first examples of real-world quantum advantages from these technologies. A few empirical studies also demonstrate such potential, especially when considering quantum-inspired models based on tensor networks. In this work, we apply tensor-network-based generative models to the problem of molecular discovery. In our approach, we utilize two small molecular datasets: a subset of 4989 molecules from the QM9 dataset and a small in-house dataset of 516 validated antioxidants from TotalEnergies. We compare several tensor network models against a generative adversarial network using different sample-based metrics, which reflect their learning performances on each task, and multiobjective performances using 3 relevant molecular metrics per task. We also combine the output of the models and demonstrate empirically that such a combination can be beneficial, advocating for the unification of classical and quantum(-inspired) generative learning.

Type :
conference proceedings
Authors :
Charles Moussa; Hao Wang; Mauricio Araya-Polo; Thomas Bäck; Vedran Dunjko
Location :
2023 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE)
Date :
Publication link :
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